Tommy A.'s review of Splash Pool & Spa

Splash Pool & Spa

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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Review Posted 6/24/2013
. 1
. 0
Worst pool serice in the whole city
They have young guys that work for them and they are always high out of there mind they don't know what they are doing and sometimes when they have to show up for the day to clean your pool they just don't show up at all. They charge you for 4 days out
of the month but they only show up like once or twice they are the worst pool company ever and they try there best to mess up your credit after you find out they are a fraud. They charge you for things they don't even do and they mess up your whole pool system
your pool pump and make you spend $$$$ to fix it. They don't know what they are doing and thats why we got rid of them they costed us so much money its crazy.Plus they never ever answer there business phone I mean come on what kind of a business is that wow
they are a joke. We would never recommend them to anybody at all and if you are using them as your pool service get rid of them before they cost you $$$$ and mess up your credit.
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